Kelli Mckinzie » Extra credit

Extra credit

Extra credit for this course is only available to students who have turned in every assignment for the six weeks. Once that has been verified students are eligible for the Extra Credit Research Paper. Here are the parameters:
•Can only be done once a six weeks.
•Paper must be a minimum of two pages long, and a third page of sources.
•Paper must be typed using a 14 pt font and double spacing.
•Topic of the paper must coincide with a problem relating to the topics we have been studying in class for that six weeks.
•Paper must have a description of the topic, a problem in the topic, and a solution to that problem.
◦For instance the topic may be coral reef ecosystems.
■Part one is a detailed explanation of what a coral reef is.
■Part two is a problem associated with coral reefs, and a description of the problem. Such as reefs dying for instance because of temperature changes.
■Part three is a solution to that problem with an explanation of how it would work.
■Part four would be a summary of the main points of the paper.
■Part five would be a list of the sources you gathered your information from, minimum of two sources.
•Paper will be graded on correct grammar and topic accuracy.
•Any plagiarism will be cause for the extra credit to be thrown out.