
Welcome to the HJH guidance and counseling homepage.
What is a school counselor?
A school counselor is a trained professional who works as part of your child's team.  School counselors work in partnership with students, teachers, parents, and the community to help your child to have a successful and positive school experience.
How can a school counselor help?
School counselors understand that each child is different.  Some students just need someone to listen to their concerns, whereas others may need help in developing problem-solving and decision-making skills.  Whatever the concern, the school counselor is there to listen to your child and help your child feel safe and comfortable within the junior high.  Sometimes parents need support and guidance as well.  School counselors are also trained to work with parents and can be seen as a great resource to the parents and school staff. 
A student may access the counselor by:
*self referral
*teacher referral
*parent referral
*administrative referral
*referral by a friend