Joshua Holt » Welcome & Introduction

Welcome & Introduction

As we grow older, there are many times when we look back at pivotal moments, people, or influences and realize the profound impact they had in setting the course for our life. My moments started with being born into a family of educators. You could say education is "in my blood." I was then personally impacted by the many educators I encountered across the years--educators who saw potential in me that I often didn't see at the time.


I think of Jerri Campos, who showed me as a 4th-grade student what relentless patience, grace, and never giving up on students can accomplish. Coach Greg Blanchard brought U.S. History to life, making me want to become a history teacher. Dr. Craig Hammonds saw potential in me as a young undergraduate and later graduate student to pursue administration as a career path in education. There are so many more whose names could fill pages. For all of the educators who have influenced me over the years, the words of Sir Isaac Newton ring true, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." In my eyes, these "giants" in education have given me the perspective and purpose I carry daily into my role as a principal. I desire to have the same impact on those who I have been entrusted to serve.


Education is my passion and calling, and as we enter this school year and my tenth year serving in public education, I look forward to serving the students, staff, parents, guardians, and community of Henderson Junior High and Stephenville ISD.



Josh Holt, Ed.D


Henderson Junior High

[email protected]

(254) 968-6967



Doctor of Education

Emphasis: P-12 Educational Leadership

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX

Master of Education

Emphasis: Educational Administration

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX

Bachelor of Science

Major: History/Exercise Physiology

Minor: Education

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX